About this fundraiser

My 21 yr old grandson Crimson Sinclair committed suicide with no life insurance, I was able to get him buried but he has no headstone on his grave, no name to say who he is, no proof that he's even there. Plz help me get his grave finished so he doesn't look as if he was just thrown away like a dog no one cared about. Crimson suffered from severe depression as well as insomnia that kept him awake night after night, he had the world in his hands but didn't even realize it. He worked for FEMA and could have went anywhere in the world with his love and compassion but his mental illness kept him from realizing his self worth. Crimson was the most loving, caring individual, he would give the shirt off his back to help you if you needed it. He was loved by many, he wanted nothing more than to help ppl yet he couldn't help himself. As a grandmother who raised him I've cried many nights and days because I can't afford to put a headstone and some gravel on his grave so if you can find it in your heart to help me I would greatly appreciate it. Crimson didn't want to leave this world like this but he couldn't see another way out, he was scared of the world we're now living in. Mental illness is real, if you see the slightest sign please get your child, family member or friend help before it's too late, don't live the life I live everyday. If you can find it in your heart to help me put some gravel around his grave, a sitting bench with his name on it and a headstone so ppl will know that is a child laying in that ground I would appreciate it more than anyone would ever know. I want to have his name and picture put on his grave so ppl can see what mental illness can do to our children, suicide awareness will be a marker on the grave so everyone will know.

With much love,


Organized by

Cynethia Tatum

Grand Bay, AL, USA
