About this fundraiser

Trying to raise m9ney for help with dental needs.Im 61 years of age and my teeth are either broken off at gums and what few I have left are loose and I'm experiencing pain and hard time eating.Ive actually about choked a couple of times I have no family and live by myself with my little dog Puddin.Ive tried to get financing but credit isn't good enough .I would be willing to pay back if I could get a loan from someone and my home is paid for.I don't have any payments other than normal cost of living.I really need to do something soon and have collateral for a loan .I'm not looking for a freebie but donations would help.I could even use my services of some type of work for repayment as I'm pretty skilled in mechanics,retail,construction and have 2 years college.Im just down on my luck since my live in ofc10vyears recently left.I don't drink or do drugs and  could appreciate any help and would definitely pay it forward.Any help would be a blessing

Organized by

Eric Godfrey

Connelly Springs, NC, USA
