About this fundraiser

Hello I am now a single mother of 2 children ( I have 6 but only 2 live at home) 1 child has severe multiple special needs who will always live at home. We are renting a home the last 8 years, they decided last year to not renew the lease. We are being asked to leave or they will evict at some point. Ex left so I am down to 1 income and have racked up CCs bills to 12k because I had a transmission go in February, I then had to buy a small car to go to work until transmission was fixed and everything including the tranmission went on cards. In turn my credit went down and I am not able to save until I get those paid off.  Specialneeds daughter had to have another surg this past feb and my 12 y/o had had about 12k of dental work done beaten march and now (almost finished and done have to pay for all of it but a couple thousand) under bite braces cavities etc.. It's a vicious circle. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats along with the 2 children which makes it almost impossible to rent anywhere else.  I can't throw everyone away like dad did, (we can't all run aroung drunk and partying like we are single) it's not fair so I am asking for help so I can pay off the cards (then credit score goes up) and then have enough of a down-paymen for a home so I also won't have to pay PMI so my payment won't be through the roof and I can provide a home for everyone without being so stressed about money. This wouldn't be a problem if they would just give me 1 more year but they refuse unfortunately.  I've never asked for help and it's very embarrassing but I'm at the point I'm afraid will end up in a shelter for a bit and idk what will happen with my animals. Letter from land lord said July 31st is when lease is up so I'm hoping to have some of this taken care of in a month to 6 weeks. I thank anyone who got through the sob story. This is a very humbling experience. It's funny how we want all kinds of things in life but at this point I think we all would just like a stable home which would make our home a happier place! Thank you for reading. And and thank you for helping make a better life for us all! 

Organized by

Lisa Mccarthy

Macomb, MI, USA
