About this fundraiser

Hi, my name is Heidi. I have had Type 1 Diabetes for 46 years, since I was 10. Despite my BEST efforts eventually the disease attacked my kidneys. I have been on dialysis for 3 years awaiting a donor kidney and pancreas. 

It has been a very difficult journey as I have watched my health, my career as a mental health clinician, and my relationships suffer greatly. (Thank you with all my heart to those of you who have continued to stand by me through this!)

I just learned that I am in the #1 position in my blood type group to be offered a kidney and a pancreas for transplant. I have been praying for the family that will inevitably lose a loved one so that I can live. 

I am extremely blessed to have good health insurance which will cover the cost of the surgery and hospital stay.  However, I will have to stay in Los Angeles for 2-3 months after being released from the hospital. I live near Sacramento and won’t be recovered enough to travel back and forth for the many doctor’s visits that will be necessary. 

I am hoping to be able to rent a home or Air B&B for those months following my release. My German Shepherd Fritz will be staying with me after I’m out of the hospital. I don’t think I’d have made it this far without him. 

As I have researched the approximate cost I was shocked to discover it will likely be between $20,000-$25,000 for housing and transportation costs. Since I’ve had to temporarily all but give up my beloved career, I’m barely making it now. I don’t know how I will be able to afford the cost of a roof over our heads while I recover. 

Anything that anyone can give will be appreciated far beyond any words can say, but I will certainly try. I will respond to every person who feels le to help 💗

Organized by

Heidi Summers

Citrus Heights, CA, USA
