Latest update as of May 11, 2023

  • Much improved!

    Hello everyone,
    here is an update: baby Jerry was able to hold 24 h without oxygen and has improved a lot. The doctors want to send them home tomorrow. I am updating the fundraising for the total hospital bill of $700. Because Mr. Boaz runs a registered orphanage, the hospital is letting them go paying $350 now and to pay over time the remaining $350. We just need 6 kind souls to donate $30 each or 9 kind souls to donate $20 for now :)

About this fundraiser

Hi everyone,

Mr. Boaz is our beloved friend from Uganda. He runs an Orphanage in Mytiana, Uganda that provides shelter and care for 50 children. I met Mr. Boaz in November/2022 while I was monitoring travelers coming from Uganda during the Ebola outbreak. Mr. Boaz has three children with Mrs. Maureen Boaz: Joy Boaz who is 7 years old, James Boaz who is 4 years old and Baby Jerry Boaz. Baby Jerry Boaz, Mr. Boaz’s son who is 6 months old has acquired flu and secondary pneumonia. He is currently in the ICU of the Senarod Women’s Medical Center in Kampala, Uganda. He had to be transferred from the hospital in the district he lives in (Mityana) to Kampala because his medical needs were more than what he could get in his hometown. He needed multiple intravenous medications and oxygen. This morning (5/9)  his condition deteriorated and he is requiring blood transfusions. Mr. Boaz and his family cannot afford the hospital bills as they also have to manage Ttamu Ministries orphanage that currently serves 50 orphan children.

Unfortunately, baby Jerry got flu at the orphanage from older children. And even though all orphan children recovered, the little one is getting the worse of it and is risking his life. Please see video from Sunday afternoon when he needed to be transferred:

 Any help with his hospital bills is greatly appreciated. We are also asking for many prayers so baby Jerry can recover soon. Thank you so much for your time.

Organized by

Fernanda Santos

Austin, TX, USA
