About this fundraiser

Any funds that are given to help this family will go towards, taxes on their home that they are behind on $4,000, $1,350 to fill their propane tank for heat and hot water, and $5,000 to put on their house payment as they are struggling to deal with who they are purchasing from. While working towards getting a loan for their home and paying on it for 5 years they owe just as much now on the home as they purchased it for. Purchase price was $130,000 and are now being told their payoff for the home now is $128,000! This family would give someone the shirt off their back and help anyone they can if they are able to help. I want to see if I can help to lessen the stress on this momma. The family is on a fixed income and have a couple children that have disabilities as well which makes things even more challenging! The family and I will all appreciate any and all help they receive and will feel relieved to have things caught back up. 

Organized by


Bangor, MI, USA


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