My husband of over 17 years was diagnosed with cancer on May 13, 2022. The worst day of our lives….went for follow up MRI after having extreme back pain from October 2021 till March 2022 while working in Houma, Thibedoux areas after Hurricane Ida. He put off his own pain and discomfort while having to travel everyday 2 hours one way due to no availability at area hotels in order to keep helping all those that had been devastated and had nothing.
He tried to just keep pushing forward cuz there were thousands that needed assistance and he hated to have to stop and go back home to seek medical attention from his primary doctor. After multiple X-rays and tests he was sent for 3D MRI and it showed that his L-4 vertebrae in lower back was completely brittle. Technician even asked us if he had ever had bad car accident or fallen off roof and broken his back……we were stunned to say the least.
We were not even allowed to leave hospital as just the simple trip back home could leave him paralyzed yet all while he had been daily working to help all those affected from Hurricane Ida. He was admitted and were told in the emergency room that he had cancer…..our world stopped and crumbled at that moment. We cried together and said WE will get through this together no matter what.
He was a TRUE WARRIOR he fought through numerous chemotherapy treatments then back to back stem cell transplants, fought off a horrible bacterial infection that almost killed him. It has taken its toll on us as a couple, our bills, our future and most of all himself.
He isn't able to work anymore and was always the provider then I had to put my full time job in order to care for him 24/7 as I was not having him a nursing home or someone else care for him. I took that vow back in 2006 for better or worse and I meant it. It killed me to watch him at his worst and there be nothing I could do but be there for him, love him and let him know…we will fight it all the way.
He did his part for sure…..he has fought the battle for his life and so far he's doing ok to most. Though as his wife I know he hurts daily, cramps that never quit, pain up and down nerves in legs, swelling making it hard to just walk around our house. We have had it rough struggling to keep utilities on a long with high deductible for his chemotherapy shots weekly, chemotherapy pills daily and have done without many times to make sure he can just get meds he needs to keep him well
It's stressed our marriage to extreme, he doesn't even want to go anywhere feels people are staring at him cuz he looks frail, he's lost so much weight. I just want to be able to go back to work full-time and be able to catch up on all past due bills and be able to take that burden of worry from him completely. Even had to refinance our home making our monthly mortgage 500 more month than before…..Idk how or if we will make it but I will die fighting to make sure he knows he is loved and alive and that's most important.
Our happy place has always been the beach and I want nothing more than to whisk him away from all the chemotherapy treatments, shots, pills, doctors visits, rescans, tests etc for us to reconnect as a couple and be carefree and walk the beach while he is able and be together and watch sunrise and sunsets and make plenty of happier memories to replace all the evil things that he's been through these last few years
Anything at all would help….if it's 50 cents that's 50 cents towards paying for his shot this week, chemotherapy pills refill in another week, gas to be able to see his Oncologist and eventually I hope we are able to get those beach walks and sunrises in soon.
Thank you for just taking the time to even read our story with or without being able to donate.
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