About this fundraiser

As some of you might know my mother recently got diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of overy(s) she has two cysts on the right ovary and a cluster on her other. Her body is building up fluid she’s already had a paracentesis they drained 8 liters of fluid now she’s on her way to get a port and start chemotherapy. It’s going to be a long time before she can get back to work And we could use a little help..

       We were unsure of what to ask for because we have no idea how much everything is going to cost with hospital bills, missing work, needing to completely change her diet, and all over the place doctors appointments. Anything helps at this point.. I was going to pick up a second job but I can’t do that and take care of her.
        I appreciate each and every one of you who took the time to read this, share this or donate to my momma. We also have an Amazon wishlist that will be in my Instagram bio filled with things she needs to make her more comfortable on this journey. This is a really rough situation but we are taking it one step at a time.

Organized by

Sadie Sandlin

Austin, TX, USA
