About this fundraiser

Help Tracy and her Furry Companions Thrive: Support Our Journey Towards Stability"

Greetings, dear friends,

My name is Tracy, and I come to you today with a vulnerable heart and a plea for help. Life has presented me with challenges that I never anticipated, and I find myself in a position where I must reach out to the kindness of strangers like you for support.

The world we live in is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate, especially for those of us who are facing financial hardships. As the cost of living continues to rise, I am finding it increasingly challenging to keep up with basic expenses. Rent, prescriptions, and necessary doctor visits are becoming burdens that weigh heavily on my shoulders.

Compounding these struggles is the responsibility I have towards my beloved pets – my dogs and cat. They are not just animals to me; they are cherished companions who bring joy and comfort to my life. Ensuring that they receive the care and sustenance they need is a responsibility I take seriously, but it's one that has become increasingly difficult to meet.

Adding to these challenges are my disabilities, which prevent me from engaging in traditional forms of employment. While I long to contribute to society and support myself independently, my health limitations make this impossible. I am forced to rely on the generosity of others to meet my most basic needs, a reality that is humbling and at times, overwhelming.

This crowdfunding campaign is not just about financial assistance; it's about survival. It's about ensuring that I can continue to live with dignity and maintain my health despite the obstacles in my path. Your donations will provide me with a lifeline, offering the support I need to navigate these turbulent waters.

I want to assure you that I am an open book. Transparency is of utmost importance to me, and I want you to feel confident in supporting my cause. If you have any questions about my situation or how your contributions will be used, please don't hesitate to ask. I am here to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Time is of the essence for me and my furry companions. I am being evicted from my home whom i lived for 8 years with my fiance and his Mother. She now kicking me and my animals out of our home cause my fiance her son passed away back in Nov of 2023. I'm devastated by this and with your help maybe i can motor home to live in.

Every dollar you donate, whether it's $5, $10, or $20, will make a difference. Your generosity will have a direct impact on our lives, providing us with the hope and support we need to weather this storm.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for considering supporting my crowdfunding campaign. Your kindness and compassion mean more to me than words can express. Together, we can make a difference and bring light into the darkness.

Organized by

Tracy Hannold

Lawrenceville, GA, USA
