About this fundraiser

My name is Jeannie.  I am a 48 year old mother with 2 young boys. I am currently separated (complicated marriage relationship). A year ago I worked at a local grocery store in my town making $8 an hour. Barely getting by. I had no vehicle, bad credit from debt from my first marriage.  A few months ago I left home, staying with a friend of the family just to get a better job. I was able to get a vehicle 3 months ago. It was my only option just so I could try to get back home with my kids. I have been able to make my vehicle payments and buy the nessary needs. With the cost of tax, title and tag, I have been unable to even try to save up the money needed within the specified time limit. 

On my way home from work,  i was stopped by the local police because of the paper tag has been expired for a month. Now I have a small ticket to pay off. All my attempts to get help let to dead ends.  I'm not asking for much, just a little help in hard times. 

I do my best and pray to keep my hopes up for better time's ahead. I am a firm believer that everyone needs help sometimes.

Love to all

Organized by

Jeannie Marie John

Coalgate, OK, USA
