In memory of Janice hodgkinson A wonderful mother-daughter sister and wife also grandma to her grand kitty's she fought a great fight and taken too soon! My name is Jodylynn Hodgkinson. I'm Janice's daughter My mother been through a lot in the past 2 years And still she continued to fight with all she had she was a true fighter; she was a great woman with a heart of gold. She was the rock that held us all together. My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer over a year ago. She was a fighter; she fought with everything she had, but the treatments just weren't working. It spread, and the doctors said that she only had a few months. but she didn't even get that January 23 my mom went into cardiac arrest in the middle of the night. My cousin, found her in the bathroom cold and unresponsive how long she was there or how long her brain was without oxygen nobody knew. She was been brought to Tobey Hospital and later that night transported to Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, where she had to undergo extensive EEGs around the clock. Then, Monday night, the MRI. Tuesday, we were told that her brain had sustained traumatic brain injury from the cardiac arrest where no oxygen was going to her brain for a long period of time they told us she will never wake up the damage is too severe. they will be taking my mom off the ventilator 30thThey don't expect her to last much longer after that. I believe in my heart that the cardiac arrest happened because my mom's body finally got tired and didn't want to do it anymore. But she loved us; she loved everyone that was a part of her life, and God needs her home. Her work here on earth was complete. So, during this hard time and it being so sudden, we financially weren't prepared, my mom deserves peace where her soul can be free and she's no longer suffering in pain we want to be able to give her proper services and her last wishes! The funds will help with services for my mom and help my dad her husband financially during this difficult time.If you can help in donating even just a little bit anything helps And also if you can keep sharing that is also very much appreciated also.
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Jodylynn Hodgkinson
Wareham, MA, USA
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