We found out that my daughter has scoliosis when she was eight years old. During this time she was in the hospital for another reason these mystery abdomen pains. After taking an x-ray, the nurse came to me and said she didn’t see anything in her abdomen, that would be causing her pain however we do see her scoliosis. And that’s how I found out that she has scoliosis while in emergency room. So from the time, my daughter was eight years old until the year 2020 despite the fact that she was very tall and very statues dealing with her scoliosis was not a problem. She had a very active life in her scoliosis, never was of a concern. My daughter used to swim play basketball. walk the dog ride or bicycle and all various of physical activity with no complaints about her back hurting. She did have problems with her walking gate first being bowlegged so we did do corrective measures to have that done. But it wasn’t until the year 2020 during the pandemic when everyone was ordered to stay at and everybody and she had to remain at home from school while I still went out to work. Mind you, my daughter, lost her father my husband when she was four years old so it’s been her and I since then. So I will come home and she would be working from school virtually for the next year and a half. Little did we know that the lack of her moving and her ability to be more comfortable here at home will cause her scoliosis to settle. Also, with the fact that we were told by every government official, just stay in place and not be in public for the Covid virus was airborne. So, to assure that my daughter will not be affected about a Covid virus. I follow suit. However, the next year when the students were ordered to return back to school with proper protocol and PPE. My daughter body would not allow her to continue to move like it did before. Apparently does scoliosis had settled in her range of motion was now limited.. She attempted to try everything she did before lacrosse, she couldn’t do. Walking long distance was no longer applicable, swimming hurt walking hurt standing and sitting behind a desk table hurt navigating going in and out of classes for school hurt everything she did hurt her back and she was in excruciating pain all the time. In September 2021, she began her journey to her last year high school graduating in 2022. I had to make concessions for her with her school, allowing her to work from home because she could not ride the bus because of the pain and or navigate classes with her book bags without being in pain. Please note that this pain made it so that she could not concentrate in class so most of her teachers as soon as she was being lazy when in the fact, she was actually in debilitating pain. My daughter is very shy and would never share this information outwardly with anyone in the school administration so I had to be her advocate. She was always afraid that she would be pointed out and appear to be lazy and not the fact that her scoliosis was the problem. So she never shared her scoliosis problems with her peers either. So my daughter attended school only 10% of the time out of the entire. She had a tutor for the rest of the time. The tutor will accommodate the hours in which my daughter was able to study so sometimes my daughter had to study later in the evening other time she had to study on the weekends in order to make up for the days that she couldn’t attend of pain from her scoliosis. My daughter‘s goal was to despite her current situation. She wanted to graduate 10th in her class well at least 10th. I am proud to say to despite all that she was going through knowing her final year of school that she did make 10 in her class and she graduated with honors. My daughter also got accepted into five different colleges and we were looking forward to her moving forward with her collegiate career. However, her scoliosis pain and her situation made it impossible for us to do that. because she is unable to walk the distance needed on campus get up out of the bed on times all by herself, at times her back will lock up, and she needs special chairs and a special bed to lay in in order to make it semi comfortable for her on a daily basis. This also made for the decision to let her be own school difficult as well because it’s time pass and made it even harder for her to sit up and to pay attention and to be stable without being pain. The problem is not if she’s in pain is what degree of pain she’s in because she’s always in pain. since 2020 we have been to the average of 40 doctors every year in attempts to trying to help my daughter with her scoliosis and the pain and get her back to some normalcy. The doctors do not want to perform surgery on her scoliosis because of the degree of her scoliosis isn’t as severe that it will warranted surgery, however the degree of her scoliosis along with her height, which is 6‘4“ tall and her weight and which I don’t want to disclose but is well over 300 is the main cause of the factor that is harder for her to navigate anything in life due to pain. So I’m asking for this money to help us to put it towards her having bariatric surgery that would help her to lose the weight in order to relieve some of her back pain. Currently, my insurance does not cover anything bariatric matter fact it eliminates it all, and we don’t have any other source of income, but my income and my insurance. Currently she hasn’t been able to work. She hasn’t been able to go to school so all the expenses have been on me and right now she’s 20 years old. We file for disability we’ve been turned down several times of course because it’s the red tape and it’s hard for people to understand if you don’t know us personally the situation that she’s going through. I know there’s other people out here that need help and I never thought that it would’ve been us in need of help. Normally we are the ones helping others. But I do have to reach out. I’ve tried everything. I’ve tried doctors. I’ve tried therapist. I’ve tried Google. I’ve tried everything. Don’t know what to do. I just want to make sure that before I leave this earth that my daughter has some type of normal in life and it seems that I need to do that by helping her with her weight. I know you’re saying well why doesn’t she go on a diet and exercise? The problem is that we’ve done diet the diet it’s only go but so far without exercising and she cannot exercise without exacerbating her scoliosis even worse so we’ve tried that route. I can’t afford these medication’s that used to help aid so we get to one point and we can’t go any further because without both dietary and exercise. The loss of weight that she does have is only limited.and with some return because of lack of mobility from her scoliosis, so I’m asking if anybody knows of anything that I can do if you can help monetarily all the funds would be going towards her help. I’m exhausted all that I can do which I do every year for her, and I can only carry her on my insurance but for so long. Again, it’s only her and I we lost her dad when she was four so I’ve been without him for going on 16 years. God bless those who understand and read it and please don’t leave any nasty comments. We’re only reaching out because we have no other recourse. Please pray for us.
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