Latest update as of Aug 24, 2024

  • Thank you

    Words cannot fully convey the gratitude and appreciation I feel for all of the love, kindness, support, and generosity I have experienced these past 4 months. I feel humbled and honored to receive support of such magnitude from so many kind and loving people, some of whom I may never have the privilege to meet. You all chose to help me when I desperately needed it, when I felt overwhelmed and burdened by a $20,000 medical bill. Thanks to all of your contributions, I am now walking away without medical debt and have been relieved of the intense financial anxiety I had upon release from the hospital. I also want to recognize that the positive messages, love, and prayers have been equally appreciated and have been a huge source of encouragement during my recovery. Without all of you, it is very difficult to imagine where I would be right now from a physical, mental and financial perspective. All of the support has cultivated and contributed to my healing, for we cannot heal in isolation, only with the love and support of others.

    The past several months have been some of the most challenging of my life, especially from a physical and emotional standpoint. I was unable to walk more than a few steps at a time for nearly a month and I was unsure how my life would look moving forward. Thankfully, I have returned to my normal life and in many ways feel healthier now than I have in a long time. I fully believe my recovery would not have been possible had I not experienced the tremendous support from you all. As humans, we are hardwired for love, connection, and attachment to one another. Without those needs being met, we cannot survive, without them we are helpless. This journey has reminded me of the importance of sacrificial love, love I have experienced first hand from each of you. Thank you all for your willingness to show me this love, to help a neighbor in need, to care for me at such a difficult and needed time in my life. Thank you all so much for answering the call for help, for giving so generously, and for teaching me the importance of love.

    Lastly, I want to thank my brother Drew for all the effort he put into spearheading this campaign and getting the word out. Drew has been a massive support for me throughout my life in so many ways and there is no limit to his love, kindness and empathy, all of which this world desperately needs. Without Drew, none of this would have been possible, without him I would not be where I am today. When I was released from the hospital, Drew sent me a kind message and told me not to worry about the financial stress, to focus on healing and getting better, and his effort (and your kindness) has enabled me to do just that. To walk away from this experience without financial burden is something I will be forever grateful for.

    With love,

About this fundraiser

When I got word my 28 year old brother Matt was going to the ER because he had pnemonia, my first thought was “Don't you mean Grandma?” followed by “He's young and it's pnemonia. They'll pump him full of fluids and he will be back to normal soon enough." Then I got the update that the pnemonia had spread to both lungs, he had sepsis, and his fever had spiked to dangerous levels. I was shocked someone his age was dealing with a life threatening medical crisis and apparently all of his doctors were too.

That was over a month ago, and the good news is Matt is back home and feeling better; but he is still not 100%. What we expected to be a quick trip to the ER turned into 3 day and 2 night hospital stay. Oregon is one of the most expensive states for healthcare and the situation has put an extreme finacial burden on him. 

Matt was unable to work the week leading up to his hospital stay and took a full two weeks off on doctor's orders after the stay. Both sepsis & pnemonia can cause long term fatigue and Matt has unfortunately experienced it. He has been slowly getting back to a full case load (he works as a mental health professional) but after a month is still only able to work partial days. He has not been paid his usual salary in over a month. Adding to the finacial stress, he had recently joined a practice which only provides health insurance benefits for employees seeing 100+ clients for 3 or more months, meaning he was unisnsured during this time and is responsible for the full medical bill. 

Matt is doing everything he can to get the bill reduced and find additional sources of income despite still dealing with extreme fatigue. He has spent time researching his options for non-profit help and on the phone with the hospital seeking the necessary documentation for relief. But right now his medical expenses total $20,000 and he has had little income to cover monthly bills. That is why we have set up this Give a Hand campaign.

We set a lofty goal of $12,000 and want to achieve it through a grass roots effort. Donations of $20, 50 or $100 will go a long way but so does just sharing this with anyone else that may be willing to donate. So please donate what you can, but also share this on your social media platforms or with friends and family via text and email. The more people that see this, the larger impact we can have in helping Matt. 

Any funds donated will be given directly to Matt and he will use them only to pay his debts. I will update the campaign on a weekly basis with any progress he has made in reducing the medical bill and adjust the goal accordingly. 

Thank you for taking the time to read his story and for all of you who will donate and share.

Organized by

Andrew Joslin

Portland, OR, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Matt Joslin
