My dearest sister, who is a nurse with lupus and a new mom, needs help paying a medical bill so she can make an appointment to see her lupus doctor.
My sister had a premature baby last winter due to her lupus, and the medical bills have put her and her husband in financial hardship. They are barely making by, and now her Lupus doctor will not even see her until this $3,000 bill is paid. My sister can't find a new doctor because this type of doctor is already very limited in our area.
Lupus is a life-threatening chronic disease, and she needs to see her doctor regularly. My sister has always put others first, especially as a nurse, knowing she is more at risk because of her lupus.
The family is doing everything they can to help, but we all know these are rough economic times for everyone. This country's horrible healthcare system and maternity leave are shameful, and nurses who put other lives first before their own should never be in this situation simply because they had a premature baby.
Our family would appreciate any help you can give my sister during this difficult time. My sister loves being a mom; families should not have to go through this to start a family. We are so grateful for any donation you can make.
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