About this fundraiser

Hello, I’m a struggling mother just asking for a little support.  This year has been a difficult one for this family of four.  From unexpected surgeries, to broken bones, stitches, medical prescriptions and expensive medical equipment.  I feel a bit like I’m drowning.  We do what we can, working two jobs, eating as cheap as we can.  But it doesn’t seem to make a dent.  And of course our high deductible insurance isn’t helping much.  I never ask for help, but I decided to throw a proverbial Hail Mary out to the universe.  All I’m asking is for a little help.  $5200 USD to pay my deductible and get us caught up on the medical bills that just keep coming.  This would mean the world to me and my family.  To be able to breathe and know that the next medical appointment won’t be coming completely out of pocket, I honestly can’t even imagine that feeling.  If you have the ability, I would really appreciate the help.  I’ve tried all the government options and unfortunately we make just enough NOT to qualify for any help.  Please help if you can.  Anything is appreciated.  God Bless.  Thank you.

My direct cashapp link is - $LSTYDBSYL

Organized by

Elyssa Longson

Lincoln, MT, USA
