About this fundraiser

My little Chico boy was attacked by a pitbull and his jaw was been fractured. His surgery alone will be up to $6,000 and then he would need additional medical care, medication, and a tooth pulled before they can do surgery as the tooth is too close to the break. Chico is a sweet little chihuahua and will not be able to eat or drink on his own and will have to have a muzzle to keep things in place until we can get his surgery. Unfortunately , the longer we wait to get his surgery, the worse it could be. Chico is my emotional support animal and is an important part of my family.  Anything and everything helps and thank you so much for helping at this time.

Organized by

Kara Holewa

Phoenix, AZ, USA


Comments (1)

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Alexia Morales  | $20

7mos ago

Help the baby