At the young age of 25 and a senior in college, my only daughter was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. The oncologist confirmed to us that she is terminal. I know how that affected me as her momma, but I can’t imagine how it affected her to hear those words at such a young age. It’s not only in her breast, it’s in her lymph nodes, her spine, her pelvic bones, and in her blood. She is now in her 2nd year of her “5 year life sentence”.
Sadly Three months later she lost her best friend, her person, her twin that happened to be born 5 years before her, her only brother, my only son, to suicide.
She gives so much of herself to help others. Even with a terminal diagnosis. But then again, She’s always been this way. So giving and so caring. She does a lot of volunteer work, on days she feels well enough, and sometimes even on days she doesn’t
She can no longer work a full time job and her husband can only work a part time job all the while taking care of her and making sure she gets to all her appts and treatments. But it has taken its toll on them financially. They are barely getting by. They only have one car that runs and because of the age of the car, they are continually having to put money into it.
My baby has always wanted to travel the world. Her whole life, this was her life long dream. It pains me terribly that she will never be able to live out her dreams to travel. And I don’t have the means to help her make her dreams come true.
But I can help her by asking for help. This is my birthday wish.
She and her husband are truly struggling right now with keeping up with bills, medical and personal, and could use any amount of help.
Thank you in advance for any amount of help you can offer!
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Lisa Bline | $20
1w agoWith love, your Pisces sister 💕
Tori Anderson | $100
1w agoFrom Max and Tori - love you all so much.
Lisa Stocksdale | $25
1w agoI think about you and your family often.
Kimberly King | $25
1w agoI love you so much.