About this fundraiser

Dear Friends and Family

I am writing to you all to ask for your help.

2 years ago, whilst living in the community I´ve spent the last 6 years building, we were hit by lightning. It sounds kind of glamorous I know, however, I assure you it was not! The storm was terrifying and I thought that when it hit, we were all dead - the screams of those around me, assured me that, nope, thankfully no one was dead. Thankfully, we survived to tell the tale, however, unfortunately, I got hit the worse. :(

The lightning strike caused serious nerve damage to my feet and legs, where I now suffer acute nerve and muscle pain which ultimately affects my whole body, posture and walking. My symptoms actually mirror MS (which my granddad died of). I cannot run anymore and my balance is affected so I fall over and continue to hurt myself. The nerve pain disrupts my sleep and makes me tired and weak throughout the day. Obviously, this has negative effects on my relations, which are suffering because of my lack of energy and consequently the bad moods this disorder puts me in.

I have tried a few things to get better, including homeopathy, acupuncture and physiotherapy. However, due to being a core leader in my community, I have not had time to keep up something that permits me to get better.

I have now taken the decision to take leave from my community for 6 months to be able to find the place, conditions and doctors to be able to heal this disabling condition once and for all. I am only 33 and to feel to live - with what the physiotherapist said with the movements of an 80 year old - for the rest of my life, is actually unbearable. It is really ruining so many aspects of my life, including my potential to give more back to the world.

I feel bad to call for charity from you guys who are working for your money, but please be assured that I have not been sitting around doing nothing...!! During the last 6 years, by not having a ´proper´ job, I was able to accomplish many things by starting an NGO and alternative community, with no personal profit or gain. I want to be able to continue with this project, which is currently blocked due to my health.

So, I am asking you (begging you actually!), my friends and family, to donate whatever you can, no matter how little (e.g. even $10 would be great! The cost of a couple beers down the pub eh bay?!) to sustain me in this mission to sort my health and life out, so that I can carry on doing some good things in the world :)

Thank you for your understanding and support!

your eternally grateful friend/sister!

Organized by

Shenika Mccloud

Pompano Beach, FL, USA
