About this fundraiser

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you today with a heartfelt request that comes from a place of deep concern and urgency. It is about a remarkable individual, Reverend Cornell Martin, who has dedicated his entire life to serving his community and those less fortunate, and who now needs our support during a challenging time.

Reverend Cornell Martin has been an unwavering pillar of hope and compassion in our community for decades. He has tirelessly worked to alleviate the suffering of the homeless, the hungry, and the destitute, providing them with not only nourishment but also a sense of dignity and belonging. His selfless devotion to the well-being of others has touched countless lives, leaving an indelible mark on our community.

However, life sometimes throws unexpected challenges at even the most selfless of individuals. It is with a heavy heart that I must share the distressing news that Reverend Cornell Martin has been diagnosed with cancer of the bone, a battle that he is facing with the same strength and courage that has defined his lifetime of service.

The cost of medical treatment, and other necessary procedures, is overwhelming. As a result, Reverend Cornell Martin is struggling to meet the mounting expenses of his treatment, which threaten to deplete his resources and disrupt his ability to continue his mission of helping those in need.

This is where we, as a community, have the opportunity to make a profound difference. Our collective support can ensure that Reverend Cornell Martin receives the medical care he needs to fight this devastating disease. We can repay a lifetime of kindness, compassion, and dedication with a gesture of love and solidarity.

Your generous donations can make a real and immediate impact on Reverend Cornell Martin's life. It can provide him with the financial relief he so desperately needs, allowing him to focus on his treatment and recovery, and eventually return to the community he loves and serves.

I kindly request you to consider contributing to the Reverend Cornell Martin’s Medical Fund. Your support, no matter the amount, will be deeply appreciated and will help ease the burden of his medical bills. Your donation can bring comfort and hope to a man who has brought the same to so many others throughout his life.

Let us join together, as a community bound by compassion, and extend our gratitude to Reverend Cornell Martin for his lifetime of service by ensuring he receives the care he needs during this difficult journey.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for considering our request. Your kindness and generosity will leave a lasting impact on the life of a man who has dedicated his life to making the world a better place.

With warm regards and heartfelt gratitude,

Emmanuel Igboin - A Friend.

Organized by

Emmanuel Igboin

Huntsville, AL, USA
