Latest update as of Aug 12, 2023

  • Update From Mom (sorry for the delay)

    Firstly, I apologize for the delay in this post.


    There are many ways to say "Thank You" but how does one convey the depth of their gratitude.

    How does one put a price on more time?

    On being seen at the number one cancer center in the United States.

    What is the price of hope?

    Your generous donations allowed us to meet with the Head of the GYN Oncology Clinic at MD Anderson back in June. They were able to give us hope that they could potentially extend my life, and that we have several options.

    Which is something I want to address with everyone. There will be no remission, no cancer-free bell, and no cure. My cancer is in too many places. There is only an extension of life, which I will readily take to give me more time.

    Time to be with my family.
    Time to be with my friends.
    Time to make memories.
    Time to live.

    On Sunday, August 13 Jessica and I will fly out for a week of testing and treatment planning at MD Anderson; once again because of your kindness. Frank's employer has been very understanding, but he wants to save up some more time for future treatment visits.

    Thank you again for everything, but most of all your love.

    God Bless.

    Update From Mom (sorry for the delay)

About this fundraiser

Superheroes are typically described as meta-humans with superpowers, tight uniforms, and flowing capes. They are larger than life…

But I know someone better. 

My superhero isn't super human with special powers, doesn't wear a tight uniform, or have a flowing cape, she doesn't even wear makeup! 

But then again, superheroes have nothing on my mom. 

My mom has the ability to make anyone feel like they've known each other for years and she has always helped out a person in need. As a mom, she is our most dedicated advocate, number one supporter, the bestest of friends, and the greatest of counselors. 

Yet, superheroes aren't supposed to be in a hospital fighting cancer. 

In August 2021 our family's lives changed forever when we got the diagnosis no one wants to hear, and soon endometrial cancer became a regular talking point. However, there was some silver lining, she was stage 1A meaning her cancer was self-contained in her uterus. As long as the surgical oncologist kept the uterus intact, she had an 80% chance of full remission. 

Because the scary thing about GYN cancers is that if caught early they are relatively “easy” to treat, but if they reoccur and worse if they become metastatic there is no chance of typical remission, only extension of life by stopping the progression of the disease itself. 

On September 28, 2021 mom had a successful radical hysterectomy. We thought this was the end of the story, that we were safe. 

We were wrong. We were so very very wrong. 

A month after her hysterectomy mom started to feel abdominal pain again. By March 2022 the pain was unbearable. All of her specialists believed it to be her gallbladder, so I reached out to a surgeon I previously worked for and called in a favor. On April 25, 2022, on my parents' 30th wedding anniversary, fifteen minutes into her surgery he had to abort. 

It was everywhere. 

In her omentum, floating in the fluid in her abdominal cavity, on her ribs, in and choking her intestines. As a result, my brother and sister-in-law and my husband and I decided to move our weddings up and two days after my wedding on May 31, 2022 mom had her first chemotherapy treatment. She was quickly started on a clinical trial and we ultimately prayed this combination would work.

It didn't.

After six rounds of chemotherapy her cancer mutated and became platinum level treatment resistant, which also kicked her out of the clinical trial. Next was the gold level regimen and after the first three we were hopeful because her tumors had all shrunk by half! 

Only to have that hope crushed when after the next three chemotherapy treatments not only had her existing tumors grown to double the size of when she started treatment back in May 2022; she had new tumor growth in her lungs, on her kidneys, and her pelvis. At this point, her oncologist threw a Hail Mary and put mom on immunotherapy treatment. 

Unfortunately, it was ineffective as her tumors continued to grow; which resulted in emergency surgery in March 2023 to have a nephrostomy bag installed on her right kidney when her tumor grew big enough to block her ureter. Since then she has been in and out of the hospital with infections, side effects, and general complications to treatment. 

So our family decided to throw a Hail Mary of our own. 

We learned from the best on advocating for proper care, now it was time to put those skills to good use. Mom learned that MD Anderson in Houston, TX is the #1 leading GYN Oncology Clinic in the country. So of course I contacted them, they have access to alternative therapies, different clinical trials, and more. After reviewing her case they provided mom with a three day appointment-filled schedule from June 7, 2023 to June 9, 2023. 

But she needs help getting there. 

Medical bills are the number one cause for bankruptcies in the United States and cancer leads the pack at number one. A single chemotherapy treatment is $55,000, which ends up being about $2,000 patient responsibility. Mom has had 13 chemotherapy treatments not including her current immunotherapy infusions. My parents have exhausted every avenue in order to keep them financially afloat. They took out a loan and pulled from retirements in order to pay for the copays, coinsurance, and required monthly expenses. 

Those funds have run dry. 

Flights to Houston for two people are $1000 round trip, a four/five night stay is $800-$1000 (with a patient discount). Then there are the meals, taxis/ubers, and shuttle tips that add up. This doesn't take into consideration if an extension of their stay is required. I should know, this isn't the first time we've had to travel out of state for medical care. God provided then and I pray he provides now. We humbly ask for financial gifts to help get mom to Houston. If you can't give that is okay, prayers are just as important. 

Because superheroes aren't supposed to be in the hospital fighting cancer. 


Thank You and God Bless!  

Jessica Allen (Riggi) & The Riggi Family


Fundraising team

Jessica Allen

Buffalo, NY, USA


Frank Riggi

Team member
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This fundraiser will directly support

Lisa Riggi
