About this fundraiser

Hey everyone, this is quite embarrassing but I'm taking the first step in admitting that we need help... A little backstory, my husband was in a work accident almost two years ago and unfortunately he lost his eyesight.. he was an electrician and a ceiling collapsed on a house he was wiring and something for into his eye and sliced his cornea in half, he then got an extremely rare strain of bacterial and fungal infection which the doctors were puzzled as far as treating it.. we fought for nearly a year to save his eyesight but ultimately we lost that battle.. he lost complete vision in one eye and the other eye he has now lost central vision with very limited peripheral vision remaining.. we had no insurance at the time and he was working under the table for his cousin so there was no workman's comp. he was the provider for our family and I stayed home and took care of things here.. well now the tables have turned and I'm the one taking on that responsibility which I don't mind a bit..he has even tried to get me to leave him numerous times cuz he feels like he is now a burden on me.. I told him when I said I do I did it without conditions, for better for worse for rich or for poor and that no matter how hard he tried i wasnt gonna leave.. we have a special bond and an unconditional love for one another that is so rare these days . He's truly my rock and my better half and I couldn't do life without him regardless of whether he can see or not .. anyways we have been fighting to get him on disability for the past year.. it's not an easy nor quick process.. it's in the works though we have a good lawyer who is fighting tooth and nail for him...  He requires assistance 24/7 so that has really put a wrench in me finding a job cuz I can't afford to pay anyone to help him and neither of us have any family left to help. he lost his mom last June and I lost my dad in Jan.. so it's just us against the world now and sometimes the world isn't so kind... But I have landed an amazing opportunity working from home with an awesome insurance company selling life insurance and I am going thru the online classes now to prepare for state boards which I will be taking in a few weeks..  this allows me to have a steady income as well as be home with him to take care of him.. but we have fallen behind on everything.. our electric bill is two months past due as well as our water bill..  our phone bill is a month behind and food and basic necessities are also scarce..e the past year we have been hit with one expense after another after another… every single day for nearly 8 months we drove nearly 50 miles one way to the hospital that was treating his eye.. the cost of gas alone broke us.. not to mention the thousands of dollars in medical bills we racked up.. his medications for a 1 month supply was over 3 thousand dollars…then we had to cover both our parents final expenses which we went the cheapest route, cremation with no services for both of them.. then his two nieces decided they wanted to come after his mom's house and land which our home is on as well so we had to hire a lawyer to fight them to keep our home.. that was thousands more on top of everything else.. we have depleted all savings and our bank acct is in the neg.. I'm tired, I'm stressed, I'm scared, and at times I feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel.. we just can't seem to get back on our feet no matter what we do or how hard we try..I'm not asking any specific dollar amount if God lays it on someone's heart to help and it's only $5.00 hey that'll get me bread and sandwich meat to last a few more days.. I know times are hard on everyone but  Anything will help me at this point.. so whatever anybody can help, if anyone can, regardless the amount I will be thankful...it's still gonna be prob two months before I'm able to begin my new job and get a steady flow of income to support us…I hustle everyday doing odd and end jobs selling possessions on marketplace just to get us thru that day then I wake up and do it all again the next day but it's just not enough to get us caught up so that we don't lose our electricity and water again.. It's been a long, stressful, frustrating fight the past two years but I'm not giving up.. I cry on a daily basis, most of the time I'm secret cuz I don't want him to know what a toll it's taking on me.. I cry cuz I'm tired, I'm frustrated, I am scared and I cry cuz it kills me to watch him go thru this . He went from being the strongest person I know to someone who struggles to get outta bed. It's taking a toll on his mental health as well . He has begun having major panic attacks over not being able to see and I just can't even imagine how scary that is for him.. and I have now developed high blood pressure I'm assuming from stress to make things even better…we went from living comfortably to struggling to eat in the snap of a finger…but I won't give up. I can't give up for his sake.. he would have never given up on me..  if u took the time to read and can't help we also covet your prayers as we navigate this new normal together.. any funds raised will be used to pay our bills, pay on what we still owe on our parents final expenses, get some basic necessities such as food, gas, etc. and to pay on past and future medical expenses.. Thank u  in advance

Organized by

Christy Parker

Mendenhall, MS, USA
