About this fundraiser

.Hello, my name is Rudy Gonzales. I am 48 years old, i have been married for 27 years, and I have 3 children and 2 grandchildren, with one grandson on the way. I'm doing this because my family and I will benefit financially. My wife just recently lost her father to colon cancer and within a week after his funeral, I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma Blood Cancer.
I had to quit my job after being the sole provider of my family for so many years. I'm not able to work and provide for my family at this time. My wife is currently my full-time caregiver. I'm having financial troubles. The funds will be used to pay my bills and medical bills.  This support would be truly appreciated. I am very grateful.

 Thank you for your donation.

Organized by

Rudy Gonzales

Tucson, AZ, USA
