Hello, I am 31 years old, and for the past 13 years I have been dealing with an unknown chronic illness. It all started when I was 18 and went off to college. I got a random stomach flu that first semester, and it forever changed my life. When I recovered from the actual flu-like sickness, I could no longer eat normal foods that I could eat before. I suffered from severe bloating and cramping. It has gotten so bad that now I can barely eat anything anymore.
On top of these digestive issues, many other random health symptoms occurred during these past several years: chronic pain in my entire body to where I can no longer sit, stand, or walk for very long. I've had rashes, warts, boils, skin infections, eye infections, fungal/bacterial infections, hair loss, extreme food and chemical sensitivities, hormone problems, etc. It's been an endless list of torturous symptoms with no explanations as to why.
I've been to many doctors, specialists, and even tried holistic doctors. Still now, 13 years later, I do not know what is causing all of this. It's to the point now that I have neuropathy in my legs and feet, and I am in pain 24/7. Even when I try to sleep, the pain never goes away. It is constant, and it is a struggle to do just simple, every day tasks.
Due to my chronic illness, I can't work. I can't even get disability because I do not have a diagnosis. And my main caregiver, my mother, recently passed away from cancer. I am pretty much on my own, just trying to survive day to day with this disease. I need help trying to find answers. There is a Swiss doctor that I have wanted to see that might be able to help me.
I would appreciate any help that is given for me to be able to travel to Switzerland.
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