About this fundraiser

Oaklee was diagnosed with a hypothalamic brain tumor in August of this year at 9 months old. Her tumor started in the optic region and was already too large at the time it was discovered to be removed safely. Every major vessel in her brain surrounds the tumor. She has vision problems that can possibly end with blindness as the damage to her optic region is permanent. She was also diagnosed with Diencephalic syndrome, failure to thrive and continues to struggle to gain weight. Oaklee currently has a ng feeding tube that is her only source of nutrients as she no longer wants to eat on her own. We are told she will continue to struggle with weight as the tumor is causing her to burn calories faster than an adult. She had a craniotomy in September to try to debulk the tumor with a very minimal amount being able to be removed. Oaklee is to young to have radiation and our only option was to begin an oral chemo treatment. After an MRI at the beginning of December, we have learned that the chemo is showing some results (only dead tissue so far) and we still have at least 6 more months before we see any shrinkage of the tumor and an estimate of 2 years of chemotherapy treatment for her to have a chance beat this terrible disease. Medical expenses and travel (at least 3 days a week) for doctor visits has created a large burden for her parents and little brother. All donations would benefit Miss Oaklee and any medical/travel expenses they have over the next couple years. 

Organized by

Kelly Hartzell

Laurelville, OH, USA
