About this fundraiser

**Help Us Rebuild After Our Truck Was Stolen**


We are the Spanjer family – myself, Christopher, my wife Kristen, and our three daughters. We're reaching out to you today with heavy hearts, but also with hope that the kindness of friends, family, and strangers can help us through this challenging time.

Recently, our truck was stolen. This wasn't just a vehicle for us; it was the backbone of our livelihood and our home. Our truck towed our trailer, which we live in, and was essential to our business. Without it, we've lost both our means of transportation and our ability to earn a living.

To make matters worse, we are facing eviction and struggling to keep our family together with our dogs. The nearest public transportation is over 2.5 miles away, and I’ve recently started a new job that requires me to walk over 16 miles a day. This grueling routine leaves me exhausted, with barely any time to sleep before I have to head out again.

We are asking for your help to raise funds for a new truck. This vehicle is not just a mode of transport for us; it's our lifeline. It will allow us to tow our trailer, continue our business, and provide stability for our daughters. We need to get back on our feet, and with your support, we can.

Every contribution, no matter the size, will bring us closer to regaining our independence and rebuilding our lives. If you cannot donate, please consider sharing our story with others. Your support means the world to us.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story and for any help you can offer.

With gratitude,

Christopher and Kristen Spanjer

Organized by

Christopher Spanjer

Tacoma, WA, USA
