About this fundraiser

I am raising funds to help me with expenses while I recover from top surgery. Any support you can give is very much appreciated! 

While the costs of surgery are covered by insurance, I will be out of work for about 6 weeks. Since I do not have disability from my job, I set up this campaign to help alleviate the financial burdens associated with top surgery and recovery. Medical expenses, post-operative care, and after care costs can be overwhelming, and any contribution, no matter the size, will make a meaningful difference. These are some of the things that your generous donations will help cover  during this time. Also, I won't be able to do much heavy lifting for the first 6 weeks, so we welcome any extra love and support with meals and self-care assistance.

Please share this with your network, as you see fit.  Big thanks for being the incredible community you provide! 

Warm hugs,


Organized by

Grant Silverstein-Tapp

Chicago, Illinois, EE. UU.
