I am setting this up for my brother as he found out that he has Cataracts in both eyes and must have surgery to correct. On his Right eye the cataract is covering about 98% of his lens. On his Left eye the cataract is covering about 25% of his lens. His Insurance Deductible is $1,200 and with the Doctors Fees and procedure costs he is looking at over $2,500 for the Total Procedure and Surgery on Both Eyes. My brother is to proud and embarrassed to ask for help himself and that is why I am setting this up and asking. Anybody that knows Aaron will tell you that if you need help he will be the first to step up and help no questions asked now there may be some sarcasm involved….lol but he will help. Anything you could help with and can give would be greatly appreciated.
About this fundraiser
Organized by
Garrett Carter
Plattsmouth, NE, USA
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Carol King | $10
1yr agoI had both eyes done! It’s amazing to see again
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