About this fundraiser

Bill is a Marine and hard-working American man supporting his family. He is a master plumber, and has continued to work with Stage 3 Squamous Cell Carcinoma lung cancer up until 3 weeks ago. Why?  Because he supports his wife who broke her hip last November and has battled, and won, bone cancer. He takes care of his daughter with debilitating Chronic Lyme Disease. He also cares for his sister who is severe autistic, blind, and has no language.


All this continued work has caused him to go into sever malnutrition. He has lost about 50 pounds over the last 4 months, and was admitted to the hospital for the malnutrition and severe dehydration for 3 days. He is home now, and can no longer work. His oncologist said Bill needs to put on some weight and rebuild his strength before treatment. He wants him to drink 5 Boost (530 calorie) drinks a day, plus eat as much as he can for the next two weeks and throughout treatment. 


A 24-pack of Boost (530 calorie) is $56.00 each. He needs (6) 24-packs a month for 4 months. That is $1345. The family is stretched, and really needs help. All they want is enough money to purchase the high calorie protein drinks he needs to get ready for, and through, his treatment.

Can you buy a Boost for Bill?

Organized by

Nelda Bell

Palm Coast, FL, USA
