About this fundraiser

To begin With Being grateful for God Allowing Me To come 🫴🙏🫴 This 💞🙏 over the pass [22-23 Years]

1:#My Newly Life 🧬 Emphasized Will Benefit Through This 💞 Recovery.

2:# The funding Will Be Used For Medical Bills and Marriage Newly Life. Haven't been a widow for 23years.

3:# By2024 My Surgery is Very Necessary after Haven had two surgeries already. Along Marriage For Newly Husband to start off 📴 Caring ❣️ For Me 1#***In Advance Health and Sickness. January 2024. Very Expressional Necessary

4:# It Would Mean Just Much Easier Sound Mindiness Supportive. Supportively and Globlely Citizen's Worth While Results Caring Just As Much As Me Wanting To Live. While Not Going In and out of A Comers 14teen Times. Acknowledge 💕💞 Believable As CribDeath. That Would A Great Deal To Me. Since I have been an unknown Person Through Twin Towers In Advance Glimpse Advancement September 9/11 2001.

4:#//5:# Is My Utmost Gratitude of Citizen's Worth Gratefulness Purpose For Me Being Worthy Trustworthy Citizen's Truthfulness. Never Lied About Officer's Saying: "J. Ali Would Kill All Americans Throughout History of Citizen's Arrest.

2001//[22 of 23®Years Ago] I  don't Think 🤔🧐🤔 Researched Appropriately.

["IT's Not A Joke"] Really Trying To HEAL From Police Brutality. Since They Are The Jokers At Play. Totally Acknowledgement and Appreciated: The HELP! Arrangements Through GoFundMe Corporation ©2023🪴2024🪴 ® ⏯️⏯️⏯️⏯️⏯️⏯️⏯️⏯️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️

Sincerely Written In Advance Glimpse 🫂

  • J. Ali//443-948-4908
  • December Thursday 21st. 2023

Organized by

Jamilah Ali

Baltimore, MD, USA
