About this fundraiser

Greetings and blessings to all the supporters..

Meet Ahmad , born with a bright smile and a fighting spirit. This little one faces a significant challenge: congenital clubfoot, a condition affecting their tiny feet.

To ensure that Ahmad can walk, run, and play without limitations, he urgently needs a Tenotomy procedure. This life-changing surgery will correct the deformity, allowing them to grow strong and healthy.

However, the medical costs are overwhelming for their family. That's where you come in!. Your generosity can bridge the financial gap and provide Ahmad the chance to:

Take his first steps without pain

Play freely with friends and family

Grow up with confidence and independence

Donate today and help this precious newborn take their first steps towards a life filled with joy, laughter, and limitless possibilities!

Spread the word on social media to help Ahmad receive the love and support he deserve!

You're any help is appreciated, Thank you on Ahmad's behalf.

Organized by


Dallas, TX, USA
