About this fundraiser

Doug my baby brother is very private person. He has always been there for me and my family!  He through out the years of me moving for job relocation was my live in sitter for my boys.  To watch him in the last few months decline so rapidly just breaks my heart. We are strong people and get thru so many obstacles but this one he needs help. Doug within last month has been put on oxygen 4 liter 24/7 and referred for transplant. One to 5 his condition is 4! He is going have to relocate to be closer to a transplant hospital at Ohio State in Columbus. He continues working his job but is but taking a toll on him. The expenses and waiting on short term & disability is making things difficult. He had a cat scan to check cancer of lungs 3 years ago and the doctors told him no cancer but didn’t tell him had honey combs in his lungs ! Fibrosis! There is no cure for lung fibrosis  except a lung transplant 🥲 Doug is the 6th in my family to get lung fibrosis of the lungs. My son Mark that passed also had it, grandfather, two uncles and cousin. Please help! God bless! Car payments , rent

Organized by

Linda Behrens

Cincinnati, OH, USA
