About this fundraiser

Hello, my name is Gaytha. This fundraiser is for my son, Dustin Morgan. He went into the hospital for a simple procedure. He was having his gallbladder removed. However, it has turned into a nightmare for him. His heart rate dropped. They cancelled the surgery and brought in a team of doctors. They monitored his heart overnight and rescheduled it for the next day.

They took him again, but this time, not only did his heart rate drop, but it also started pausing 3.6 seconds in between beats. They gave him something to speed his heart beat up so they could do the surgery. His gallbladder was filled with so many big stones (12 to be exact). He came through the surgery well, but he had so much infection from so many stones. They had to leave a drainage tube for the infection to drain out.

After the surgery, his lungs got weak and they had to build them back up. Because of his heart, they can't give him pain medicine. He is in so much pain he can't move, much less get up and walk. The pain is just too much. His heart doctor will not release him because of his heart. They cannot get his heart beat back up. He has no insurance. Anything will help. Thank you all in advance.

Show your support by donating any amount. 

Organized by

Gaytha Morgan

Arab, AL, USA
