About this fundraiser

Hi there! My name is Jessica and our family is really struggling to pay bills right now. I had 7 surgeries in a year and a half and survived an emergency surgery that had an 20 percent chance of survival. Then, I was diagnosed with metastatic Papillary thyroid cancer after going through all of the surgeries. I had to leave my job that I worked at for 13 years after I became medically disabled due to permanent health problems. I wasn’t able to continue doing my job duties. Our family is struggling to stay afloat with bills while I am trying to find a job I can do with my medical conditions. I am very worried about becoming homeless with my seven year old son. Any help you can offer will be paid forward when our family gets back on their feet. Thank you for taking the time to read a little about us and for your kind heart. Take care and cherish each moment 

Organized by

Jessica Kraff

Vancouver, WA, USA
