About this fundraiser

My name is Michael, and I am writing to you with a heavy heart. I am a 4th-year undergraduate student living alone and supporting myself, and that has been a fight since a very young age. While I have pushed myself to achieve my goals of being educated and impacting the world, I am dealing with a mentally debilitating disease called Vitiligo, which has caused me immense physical pain and mental anguish.
Living with Vitiligo has been an isolating and lonely experience. People have shunned me because of my appearance, and it has not been easy to form meaningful connections or find love. The emotional toll that Vitiligo has taken on me. The constant mental pain, isolation, and rejection have sometimes made me feel worthless and hopeless. I have contemplated suicide countless times, feeling like there was no way out of my suffering.

After years of searching for a solution, I finally found a glimpse of hope from a dermatologist with expertise in phototherapy and laser therapy for Vitiligo combined with a topical corticosteroid. People have found success in this treatment, and I want to be one of them. I need help financially getting this treatment from a specialist located out of state, and the cost of the treatment, post-treatment medication, and travel fees are far beyond my financial means. I am in desperate need of your help.
Your support could make all the difference in the world to me. Your generosity would enable me to receive the treatment I need to alleviate my pain and help me regain some semblance of everyday life. Your kindness would also give me the hope and encouragement to keep fighting this disease and reclaim my self-worth.

Please don't underestimate the impact that your donation could have on my life. It could mean the difference between hope and despair, pain and relief, and life and death. Thank you for your consideration and your compassion. I promise to pay it forward to the world.


Organized by

Michael Samson

Atlanta, GA, USA
