Latest update as of Feb 10, 2024

  • Update on Nina

    Hello everyone,

    We have an update to share on Nina’s ongoing wellness journey. It’s been 8 months since Nina’s initial colon cancer diagnosis. She has been bravely fighting the good fight mentally, physically, and spiritually every single day. We are all so proud of her resilience and positivity despite her extremely challenging circumstances.

    Nina has been able to complete more than 10 rounds of chemotherapy to date. While this has helped suppress new tumor growth, it unfortunately hasn’t done much to get rid of the existing ones.

    With that said, Nina’s doctors have recently recommended some new therapies to target specific tumors that are believed to be causing her the most trouble. This involves multiple rounds of radiation and surgical interventions intended to eradicate the worst of the tumors on the liver, in order to keep her transplant viable. After these treatments are completed, Nina will be continuing some form of maintenance chemotherapy indefinitely.

    In the meantime, Nina’s employment status expired in December 2023, along with her medical coverage. Fortunately, she was able to purchase a private health insurance policy in January.

    Alas, a new year brings new deductibles to be satisfied. Nina’s many appointments, therapies, and procedures compile quite a cost. We are humbly reaching out again on her behalf to help cover these rapidly increasing expenses.

    Nina has been processing her situation with a very admirable peaceful warrior mindset. She still loves going to the gym, creating art, and singing like a lark. Simply put, Nina is committed to making the most of the time that is given to her, as are those of us who love her.

    Thank you for your continued love and support, we are truly grateful❤️

    Update on Nina

About this fundraiser

As many of you know, Nina was the recipient of an emergency liver transplant in August 2021.  It was a miraculous match and subsequent recovery.   

Less than 2 years later, we find ourselves in need of a second medical miracle. In June of 2023, Nina was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, which has metastasized to her new liver. 

A rigorous treatment plan, including both oral and IV chemotherapy, begins this week. Nina will not be able to work, and the medical bills are expected to be costly.  We are reaching out to ask for financial support for Nina as she endeavors to heal.   

Nina and her family are hopeful for a full recovery. All forms of support are very welcome. Prayer, well wishes, and especially the collective visualization of a healthy Nina are most appreciated. Thank you in advance for your generosity and love. ❤️

Organized by

Megan Lennon

Minooka, IL, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Nina Lennon
