Latest update as of Feb 01, 2025

  • Rest in Peace My Love

    It is with the heaviest of heart that I share this update. Suravadee has been a patient of the Burzynski Clinic for almost a month and although the treatment has not been without challenges, some more difficult than others, cancer cells were dying, and she was getting better. Although all of the signs pointed towards positive progress, her body and mind were depleted of nutrition and complications did not allow for her to eat or drink adequate amounts of fluids and nutrition.
    I arrived in Houston on Jan 18th and immediately started to learn and assess all that had taken place for the first couple of weeks. I began to comfort my wife and help her feel and think positive thoughts. I jumped in and learned how to administer the treatment as well as keep her inflammation drained from her abdomen. I have never felt more out of my comfort zone in performing nurse-like duties. The other major time I was completely clueless was the day my son and daughter were born.

    After more and more blood work the results showed that cancer cells were dying and releasing uric acid in her body causing some additional discomfort. We were both so excited. Unfortunately, her potassium and other major nutrients were very low, causing massive weakness and brain fog. The positive things we celebrated this past week were being off strong pain meds, drinking protein shakes once a day, and the fact that her digestive tract was becoming unblocked, and she was having lots of output in her colostomy bag.

    I can't believe I am writing this but on Friday, Jan 31, around 9pm Suravadee began to complain about her breathing, and she wanted to drink more water. She said she was anxious because she wanted to be home with her kids and not in Houston, TX cramped up in a hotel room. I asked if she needed to go to the ER and she strongly said no based on her last experience in the ER here in Houston. I kept monitoring her signs while we watched a movie and hung out together and around 11pm she said she needed to go lay down and she wanted me to drain her fluid again because she felt bloated. When I came back into the room, she was not coherent at all and she was not breathing...I immediately called 911 and started CPR. After the fire department and medics came and worked on her for about 40 minutes they transported her to the local hospital still without a pulse. The ER team worked on her for another 30 minutes and finally got a pulse, but her blood pressure and heart rate were just not strong enough to keep I did the ABSOLUTE WORST thing I have ever had to do in my life and give the doctor the okay to stop CPR and stop the breathing machine. (Feb 1st, 3:38am)

    My wife of 20 years can finally rest in peace with no more pain and no more tears, and she can be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My kids and I will be sad for some time, and it will take time to get over this, but God has been preparing us for this in more ways than I ever imagined. Our family bond is stronger today than it ever has been, and I am so proud of my daughter Emily, Paige and my son Asher for being such amazing kids and for my niece Tia who sacrificed so much to be with my wife in Houston for the first two weeks. We are all stronger and we will get through this one day at a time.

    There are no immediate plans for any services right now, while I figure out the details to get my wife's ashes back home and with our family in Seattle WA. THANK YOU ALL FOR supporting our family and giving my wife the opportunity to experience such amazing treatment for the last month. We will forever be grateful for your generosity, and I will never forget this journey.

    Rest in Peace My Love

About this fundraiser

Dear Friends,

This letter is written with a heavy heart and a humble request. Suravadee Hadnott, my wife of 20 years, and the mother of our three beautiful kids desperately needs your help. 

How does one measure love? Unconditional care, fierce support of your loved ones, unwavering faith in those you believe in, and selfless strength amid weakness. When I think of my wife, I think of the truest and most genuine form of love. For nearly a decade, she has managed to face, again and again, the most daunting challenges with cancer, yet somehow, she always managed to put her family and others first. I’ve watched her put on a smile and seize the day, time and time again, while she suffered the physical and mental pains of radiation, chemotherapy, and multiple invasive surgeries. All the while she was battling her own health issues, she continued to focus on making everyone’s day brighter.

For two decades of marriage, I have watched my wife love harder than anyone I know, and she continues to do so every day.  Against all odds, she’s made it through the toughest times, and she keeps fighting. Unfortunately, we have found ourselves fighting that same fight again and although Daow is a fierce warrior, we are no match financially for the demands of the necessary treatments in lieu of Daow’s latest prognosis. The institution we are hoping to work with (Burzynski Clinic) is in Houston, Texas and does not accept any forms of insurance. Please consider our family as we try to navigate the costs of treatment and donate what you can. Whether you are reaching out and donating your time, a good conversation, a kind visit, or a few dollars; every form of support and love going forward will be graciously accepted. 

Below is a comprehensive list of medical and associated expenses we are facing going forward: 

  • $1,250.00 - Consultation Fees
  • $7,000.00 - Medical and Laboratory Deposit
  • $15,000.00 - $35,000.00 – Medication Costs (in some cases cost may exceed this range, some cost may be covered by insurance)
  • $7,000.00 - Monthly Case Management Fee
  • $3,000.00 – Travel, Living Expenses

If you would like to learn more about the treatment we are wishing to receive, please visit their website for more information. 

Organized by

Adam Hadnott

Marysville, WA, USA
