About this fundraiser

Thanks to anybody who is reading this text and wants to support this fundraise!🙏

The reason for the fundraise is to pay for an emergent meningitis treatment of my mother who is visiting me here without insurance.

I attached the bill down below.

Here is the full story:

Some time ago my parents came to visit me in Toronto. As an international student who hasn’t seen them for a long time, I am super glad to see them here. Everything was great, however, one day, my mother, Iana, started feeling headache too often. We thought it wasn’t a big deal, maybe cold. And she started having high fever, around 38.4 C. However, still we decided to deal with by ourself at home. After 4 days, my mother’s state suddenly got worsen, and on same day after consulting with some of our doctor friends, the things got more clear it is meningitis. We knew that it is not a joke, and an immediate actions were needed. So me and my father brought her to the hospital to the emergency part. Thanks god, doctors took the accurate measurements and stopped inflammatory process, so possible left my mother without serious consequences for her health. 

Thanks everyone again who wants to support!

Medical bill

Organized by

Danila Krivoshein

Toronto, ON, Canada
