About this fundraiser

Jaspen was born with a congenital heart defect (HLHS) He was essentially born with half of a heart. He has undergone two major heart surgeries, and was not eligible for the last heart surgery. (Fontan) That surgery would have granted Jaspen time before being needing to be placed on transplant list. Unfortunately, Jaspen had to be placed on list Dec 2022, as Status 1B. This meant he could stay home, but needed monthly cardiology appointment. The team had agreed that Jaspen’s heart is declining and will soon need to go impatient. Because of Jaspen’s age, blood type, and high antibodies; his wait will be longer. Estimated (average wait times of pediatric patients with similar factors) is 18 months to a year! That is a long time to be in the hospital.  He will be hooked to a 24/7 IV cardiac medication during this time. We hope to raise money to purchase comfort items, educational needs (1st grade homeschooling), toys, food, and anything else he may need during this time. We will be 13 hours from home, from MT to WA. Jaspen has been through so much and he will need more medical interventions to get him to transplant (pacemaker, Berlin, LVAD, IVIG) but I know with family, friends, and faith; we will get him through it! 

Organized by

Sonni Ochoa

Havre, MT, USA
