Latest update as of Jul 09, 2024

  • Update on Mark’s appointment today 2 wk post op appt.

    Update on Marks appointment today 2 wk post op appt:

    The Dr did an xray everything looked good to him. He does have a small red spot and still open in the bend of his knee and one on the top left part of his knee so the Dr put in an order for an antibiotic and took out about 50 to 60% of his staples they left in the staples where the redness and open spots are. He has to have his leg brace locked now at 30% to keep from moving it to far so his incision doesn’t open up. Gotta come back next week for recheck. I’ve add a photo of the three plates and screws from the xray and it shows all the staples he had as well before they removed most of them.

    Update on Mark’s appointment today 2 wk post op appt.

About this fundraiser

6/15/24 Mark and Karen Sateren along with a friends, were on their motorcycles.  Mark hit a deer with his motorcycle, needed stitches by his eyebrow and side of his eye and surgeon determined his leg was too swollen to correctly repair his broken leg.  The did surgery and placed a rod through his broken leg and will be looking at least one more surgery to properly fix his broken leg.  Between the medical, surgeries and travel for that and time off of work that will be required…he and his family could really use your support right now.  Any and all donations are greatly needed and appreciated.

Organized by

Jennifer Seemann

Devils Lake, ND, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Mark Sateren
