John McTavish and his family including his mother Betty and his 6 children plus his step daughter 5 boys and a daughter and a step daughter…
The funds will be used for John's medical expenses and treatments since he was diagnosed with a severe aggressive cancer that has spread all over his body and is no longer able to work and it will be be used for his own personal expenses..
John could use the funds as soon as possible because he's been out of work since he got diagnosed back in Septembe of 2024..
These funds will benefit John McTavish family including his children throughout this difficult time..
John McTavish and his family would be very grateful and very appreciative for your helpful donations and generosity…
Thank you all ahead of time for your generosity..
Sincerely Maria and Kitty and other of John McTavish coworkers and close friends..
Please donate to comment.
Scott McTavish/David Anderson/Betty Morrison | $50
1w agoWe love you.
Christine Bohn | $25
1w agoKeeping him & his family in my thoughts & prayers.