Latest update as of May 30, 2024

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About this fundraiser

This sweet boy is our grandson Cole, affectionately named Mighty Cole.  He is 9 months old. He has a twin brother, and a 2 yr old sister. His parents are Caleb and Amber Gonzales.. On the night of January 1st , Cole began to have trouble breathing. He was airlifted to University Hospital and was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. Because the mass is obstructing his airway, he had to have a tracheotomy. He began chemo in January but after 2 rounds of chemo they have found that the mass has not gotten any smaller. This weekend he began his 3rd round of Chemo. Prayers are the best gift you can give Amber and Caleb, but if you would like to help them in any way it would be greatly appreciated. This will help with medical expenses, the gas for multiple trips into San Antonio, etc. 

Organized by

Audrey Gonzales

San Antonio, TX, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Amber Gonzales


Comments (10)

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Modesto & Diana Garza  | $50

11mos ago

God is able! My grandson was diagnosed with the same thing when he was 14 months old. Liam is now 10 years old and very much healed. He doesn’t even take medication. He is completely healed thanks to God.

Aaron Ibarra  | $50

1yr ago


Alamar  | $50

1yr ago

Praying for baby Cole daily. 🙏🙏

Judy's Ark  | $50

1yr ago

All of Us at the Ark are sending prayers and lots of love

Diamantina E Siller  | $50

1yr ago

Constantly in my thoughts and prayers.

Updates (1)

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