About this fundraiser

Rick and Dawn just need some extra help.. the new year is very hopeful ! Dawns tumors are shrinking which means she is eligible for total removal of left lung.!! Rick is on weekly Chemo maintenance for now. This also means more expenses.. new year deductibles have to be met and they have used the financial assistance as much as they can for both Rick and Dawns Chemo treatments.  During recovery from surgery they will probably have to hire medical home health services which insurance does not cover.  This will help them through this difficult time mentally & physically not having the stress and worry and can concentrate on recovery for both of them. Cancer for one family member is horrible but for both members trying to get through this is unimaginable.  We just want to lift some of the burden of exspenses that come with this hideous disease. Let’s help them lift that .. if you can’t prayers, a meal, a visit is also very much needed As they are so grateful for whatever you can do.  We love them and they are always ready to help whomever they can so let’s give back to them during this difficult journey!

Thank you, Kimberly Joiner 

Organized by

Kimberly Joiner

Good Hope, GA, USA
