About this fundraiser

Boonmee Hendrix was born on October 31,2022 with a complex and serious heart defect at birth. Surgical intervention is necessary to save his life. The doctors say Boonmee has Pediatric Tetralogy of Fallot which involves four heart defects that change the flow of blood through the heart. While in NICU, doctors were able to provide a temporary fix by performing a small procedure to open up his heart valve so that he can receive more oxygen. We were so happy that Boonmee was able to go home for the first time and just in time for Thanksgiving.

Boonmee is now 4 months old and will be heading back to surgery on April 3rd. Hopefully, this will  provide a more permanent fix.

Bodhi, Boonmee’s older brother, is only 1 1/2 years old, and knows something is wrong with his little brother. Family members are doing everything they can to support and take care of both Bodhi and Boonmee. With additional medical care and support that Boonmee needs, it has been an immense struggle between balancing work and being the caregiver.

We are asking for prayers and monetary support to help provide the necessities that they may need during this stressful time for the children. Your donation of any amount would be greatly appreciated and will go towards the care of Boonmee’s medical needs. Bless you, and bless little Boonmee.

Organized by

Nancy Nanthapahk

Richardson, TX, USA
