On January 1st, we were informed that our son Teagen whos 13 years old and very active and caring, needed to have surgery done on his spinal cord due to a fatty thallium being attached. This was affecting his ability to complete simple tasks such as touching his toes. He was also growing super quickly and it had increased his pain daily. There were also signs of bulging discs in his back due to it pulling. We schedule the surgery and prepared for what we thought was everything. Both my husband and I took a week off and traveled to Kalispell Montana to have the surgery done on Jan 22nd. After we came home, thing we're going great. He was able to start school again half days earlier then expected and was having no issues or concerns.
However on Feb 8th things took a turn for the worse. He had increased pain and was complaining of movement being to much. We were able to manage it for the next few days and help him. On Wednesday Feb 12th he woke up with blurred vision, low back pain and was unstable when walking. We contacted the surgeon and she took him out of school until Tuesday and had him on light movement restrictions.
On Sunday Feb 16th a bump was discovered on his incision site and there was fluid coming from it. Pictures were taken and sent to the Dr., she recommended that we take him to see his PCP and have them connect. I had him seen that day, PCP noted low grade fever, he was having headaches, weakness in the body, pain, leg numbness, blurred vision, and nausea. The PCP discussed with his Dr and they sent us to the hospital for emergency MRI and blood work to be done.
We got the results the next day, there is a pocket of fluid but no one could see where it was coming from or why it was there. We were told to put him on bed rest until future notice and see what happens. Nightly updates were sent to nurse and Dr. With some symptoms coming and going and others worsening and some new ones. The Dr. Made the decision to schedule a second surgery on Feb 26th and we will have to go back up to have it figured out.
Unfortunately we didn't plan for this to happen thus way and we are unsure of what is going to happen after this second surgery. I am not one to ask for help but right now we need it. I will be traveling up and handling things, my husband will be staying back to work so we don't loose anything during this time. If your able to help please do if not please just say a prayer for us.
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Morgan Lockwood Young | $50
2w agoKeeping your family in my prayers❤️
Edie Finch | $25
2w agoPrayers for complete heaping and restoration ❤️🙏
Fisher Gloria | $100
2w agoI have been praying for Teagan and will continue. I am so sorry he has to go through. This happened to Sis' husband and it was Staph.I love you guys.
Anonymous Donor | $100
2w agoPrayers for healing
Debi LaBonte | $25
2w agoPrayers for you all!!!